Rowena Ulbrick

/Rowena Ulbrick

About Rowena Ulbrick

Rowena is a Professional Development and Innovation Specialist at Expanding Learning Horizons. As a national consultant, she provides innovative strategic planning and tailored Professional Learning for schools around implementing technology into the classroom and preparing students for the 21st Century. Rowena works with schools in devising curriculum programs that are rich in technology and seek to enhance learning outcomes for students.

Diving into the Toybox of Microsoft’s Office365 and Google Apps for Education (part 2)

By |October 27th, 2015|Blog|

My previous post outlined a few of the drivers behind the use of technology in our current classroom practises. Discussed were three very different sources of research, that begin to [...]

Diving into the Toybox of Microsoft’s Office365 and Google Apps for Education (part 1)

By |October 20th, 2015|Blog|

Buzz had it right when he challenged Woody's 21st Century appeal and functionality as an engaging toy. But is it really just about the bells and whistles? As our current learners make their way to infinity and beyond…. our classrooms, is the act of using technology equipping our students with all of the skills they need for the future? Are we really preparing them to "reach for the stars"?

Office 365: Putting Pedagogy First

By |July 30th, 2015|Blog|

During my time as a teacher, Head of Teaching & Learning and ICT Education Specialist, I have come across schools who have successfully implemented new technologies into the classroom, as well as those that have been less successful. From this, I know that it all begins with the approach. In the case of Office 365, [...]

If assessment is the silent killer of learning…it’s time to put on a bullet proof vest

By |June 15th, 2015|Blog|

It is staggering the number of teachers and educational leaders that comment how frustrated they are in the lack of educational change taking place, despite the 21st Century Learning mantra. And I get it. We are talking a lot, but it feels like not a great deal is happening. Perhaps this is because while educational leaders share a common understanding of the importance of change, innovation and preparing students for the ‘real-world’, there isn’t a clear cut way of leading this agenda within our schools in a way that impacts directly on student outcomes. To go along with this, some feel completely ham-strung by change in government policy, curriculum frameworks and the standardised testing agenda. This massively influences the way teachers design assessment, often to the detriment of learning to such end that is has been referred to as the ‘silent killer of learning’. So who’s got a bullet proof vest?

Is Education at a Crossroads?

By |March 18th, 2015|Blog|

In an era of rapid technology development, it’s hard not to conclude that education is at a crossroads. World experts on the interaction between technology, pedagogy and innovation believe we live in an era where students are potentially learning more at home than they are at school because that is where they have better access to information and connection to other people all over the world.

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